Types of Facial | Different Facials | Facial Masks

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With the festive season just around the corner, ladies, it's time you start pampering your skin. There are various beauty treatments which you can take but facials are the most basic beauty care treatment. The facial is just another way of keeping your skin healthy and clear. It consists of cleansing, exfoliation, blackheads and Whiteheads extraction. Nowadays facial is customized according to the skin type and skin problem of the client. If you are going to have a skin specific or skin issue related facial it’s better to pre-book online parlour and salons services. Here we bring some of the facials that salons and parlor offer:-
Cleanup: - Face Cleanup is the first step of facial. It includes three-step cleansing, scrubbing, and mask. It is a good option for college going girls suffering from tanning and dullness problem.
Paraffin Facial: - In this facial, paraffin based products like paraffin cream and mask are used to moisturize the skin. This facial is usually recommended for brides. Special anti-aging and skin renewal creams are used to make the skin of brides glowing and flawless.
Biolift Facial: - As we age our skin also gets old. Our skin starts to sag, pores become big and fine line and wrinkles are formed.Biolift facial is good for aging skin as it helps in skin toning and firming.
Acne Facial: - Acne is a common skin problem among women. If pimple and acne are bothering you, then try this facial. The thing that makes this facial different is that, this facial is not about massage but products. Various products like glycolic acid for exfoliation, deep pore extraction and facial mask are used to prevent bacteria and gentle massage is done.
Gold Facial: - Gold facial is one of the best anti-aging facial treatments which rejuvenate the skin by helping the lymphatic drainage in the removal of toxins and wastes. It helps in skin purification and better blood circulation.
Diamond Facial: - If you have a sensitive skin then you should opt for diamond facial. This facial treats uneven skin tone, age spots, acne scars, skin detoxification, and pore reduction without irritating the skin.
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#Facial #FacialMasks #facecare #beautycare #AcneFacial #GoldFacial #ParaffinFacial #facialtreatment #AntiAgingFacials #BioliftFacial #AcneCleansingFacial #DiamondFacial #DeepCleansingFacial #customfacial #exfoliatingfacial #fruitacidfacial #oxygenfacial #rosaceafacial #sensitiveskinfacial #signaturefacial #teenfacial