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5 Reasons to Get A Pedicure

How many of you have actually gone for a pedicure session? I am pretty sure many of you haven’t even thought of going for a pedicure session. We all go to salons or for facials and hair care but when it comes to giving a little care to our feet, we neglect it. If you don’t have time to go to the parlor for a pedicure, then you can book femaleadda beauty service at home. Here we bring some of the reasons why you need to get a pedicure:-

Good Smell: -Our feet work for us 365 days a year, therefore feet can develop a foul smell. There are various kinds of spray available for foot odor, but their effects are temporary. Regular pedicure includes exfoliation, cleansing and sanitizing which will remove the foul smell and dirt from your feet and you will feel refreshed in no time.

Massage: - Not only exfoliation, pedicure includes foot massage and nail buffing as well. The massage will break down the muscle tension and will make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Massage will also promote a blood circulation level. When the blood circulation increases, the heat will be segregated all over the body.

Exfoliate: - Probably the best part about a pedicure is the process of exfoliation. The exfoliation removes the already existing dead skin cells on your feet and also prevents accumulation of corns and calluses. Calluses and corns occur due to dryness, soap, walking barefoot and wearing shoes without socks. If these are not removed they can cause cracked heels and risk of infection.

Trimming: - Many of us neglect to trim our nails, though trimming nails are one of the basic hygiene habits. Pedicure involves clipping and buffing the nails for healthy growth of nails. You also get your toenails perfectly trimmed in a defined shape from salon experts.

Appearance: - Last but not the least, how your feet looks have a great impact on your overall appearance. Having nice looking feet is always a plus point when you wear any sandal with open –toe. Your good looking feet will look attractive to others and you will feel more confident.


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